What I’m Doing Now


There are always more projects. Don’t ask about dates. Still working on locking those down myself.

  • Putting Green : One fun house project I’m working on is installing an artificial turf putting green off our back patio. We have a decent incline that goes from our patio down to the water. Long term I’m going to terrace a series of retaining walls. Starting with the top I’m turning that area into a nice 22’x8’ putting green. It’s half done… paused while I wait for the temp to get above freezing.

  • 3D Printing : While we still seem to be in the process of unpacking and organizing after moving into our new house (two years ago now) I just recently ordered a 3D printer. Still not even here yet but I’m excited to start printing some gridfinity organization right away before diving into other projects.

  • YouTube videos/podcast : One of the biggest projects for the year is restarting regular YouTube uploads. I cannot wait to get back to making videos and working to really grow the channel this year.

  • Processes and Systems : With the day job the biggest thing I’m doing this first quarter besides getting ready for our biggest event of the year is making sure that we solidify our Event Production processes and systems. Having great systems is going to allow everything to go easier and flow smoother.